
Heidi J. Peterson

Editor & Wordsmith Whisperer

    . . . your words and ideas, enhanced

Heidi J. Peterson

Editor & Wordsmith    Whisperer

    . . . your words and ideas,                 enhanced

Frequently Asked Questions

  • An editor will offer suggestions for your writing that you may not have even considered. This enables your writing project to be the best possible whether a memo, an article, an email, a book, a presentation, a resume, or even a family letter.
  • Language usage and standards change. An editor will ensure your written work is up to date with current practices.
  • We type words the way we hear them in our head. When we review our written work on the computer screen, often we see the words just like we had heard them. Unfortunately, that means if we typed something incorrectly, often it registers as correct in our mind. And editors are not immune from this. Here’s my example: In updating my resume, I had typed the word “lead.” The problem is, I had actually “led” a project team. My head meant “led” but I typed “lead.” As we all know, spellcheckers don’t catch these sorts of errors. Luckily, even those of us who are editors know to have someone else, at times, review our original work. It’s much easier for a second set of eyes to quickly catch these sorts of mistakes. Fortunately, I corrected my resume before I distributed it.
  • It is important that each writer or author finds an editor who enhances their project. I offer a free four-page sample edit so you can determine if my editing style and suggestions meet your needs.

Certificates & Degrees Received:

  • Editorial Arts Academy Freelance Book Editing 101 Certificate
  • Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing
  • Writing Story Books for Children Certificate
  • University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business – Mini-Master of Business Communication
  • University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management – Bachelor of Science in Business Degree, Marketing
  • Normandale Community College – Associate of Arts Degree, Liberal Arts

Other Classes, Conferences, Webinars & Workshops Attended:

  • Tips for Editing Genres That Include Violence, Suicide and Mental Illness, 2023 (ACES)
  • How to Set (or Reset) Your Rates, 2022 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Anti-hustle Marketing and Business Development for Freelancers, 2022 (ACES)
  • Editing Outside Your Own Experience, 2022 (Professional Editors Network)
  • It depends! How editors work with the singular “they,” 2022 (ACES)
  • Legal Language – What Your Contracts and Other Documents Should Say, 2022 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Copyediting Fiction and Nonfiction Books: Principles & Mechanics, 2021 (Editorial Arts Academy)
  • Science Behind Simple Language, 2021 (ACES)
  • Avoid the Knowledge Gap in Your Editing, 2021 (Professional Editors Network)
  • When Words & Design Collide, 2021 (ACES)
  • Book Distribution for Self-Published Authors, 2021 (Professional Editors Network)
  • How Editors and Writers can Build Great Relationships, 2021 (ACES)
  • How to Master the Business Side of Editing, 2021 (ACES)
  • Style Sheets, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • How to Help Your Author Get an Agent, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Educational Opportunities for Editors, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Networking at a Distance, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • PerfectIt Webinar, 2020 (ACES)
  • Digital Proofreading, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Wrong Number, 2020 (ACES)
  • Defeating Imposter Syndrome, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Editing Memoir, 2020 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Become a More Effective Copy Editor, 2020 (Udemy)
  • Proofreading: How to Find & Correct Writing Errors, 2019 (Udemy)
  • Easy Comma Rules, 2019 (Udemy)
  • Inaugural Wordplay Event, 2019 (The Loft Literary Center)
  • Freelancing 201: Beyond the Basics, 2019 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Small Business Marketing, 2019 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Writing for Trade & Niche Magazines, 2018 (Writermag.com)
  • Copyediting 101, 2018 (Professional Editors Network)
  • E-book Formatting, 2018 (Professional Editors Network)
  • How to Work Better with Writers on Plot & Storyline, 2017 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Developing an Editing Specialty, 2017 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Copyediting for the Web, 2017 (Professional Editors Network)
  • WOW Retreat, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • Plotting Literary Domination One Storyline at a Time, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • The World is Waiting to Hear Your Story, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • Leveraging Your Motivation, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • How to Invigorate Your Writing Practice, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • How to Create Compelling Characters, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • How to Capitalize on PR to Promote Your Book, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • Creative Problem Solving for Writers, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • Basics of Fiction Writing Panel, 2017 (Women of Words)
  • How to Create an Effective LinkedIn Profile, 2016 (Professional Editors Network)
  • The Copyediting Process, 2016 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Uses of Dialogue, 2016 (The Loft Literary Center)
  • Keeping the Short in Short Story, 2015 (Bloomington Writers Festival)
  • One Man’s Journey from Reporting to Fiction Writing, 2015 (Bloomington Writers Festival)
  • CMOS (Chicago Manual of Style) Boot Camp, 2015 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Point of View, 2015 (Professional Editors Network)
  • An Evening of Poetry and Prose, 2015 (Professional Editors Network)
  • The Economics of Freelancing, 2015 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Writing the First Script, 2015 (Women of Words)
  • Amazon Preorder Process Webinar, 2015 (Women of Words)
  • WOW Retreat, 2015 (Women of Words)
  • Sixth Annual Writing Festival, 2015 (Normandale Community College)
  • The Creative Process, 2014 (Bloomington Writers Festival)
  • Writing and Publishing Middle-Grade Fiction, 2014 (Bloomington Writers Festival)
  • Social Media, 2014 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Writing for Magazines, 2014 (The Loft Literary Center)
  • Creative Writing Conference, 2013 (St. Paul Technology and Information Educational Services)
  • MN Annual Regional SCWBI Conference, 2013 (St. Paul)
  • The Joys and Challenges of Fiction Editing, 2013 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Fact Checking, 2013 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Proofreading, Copyediting and Substantive Editing, 2013 (Professional Editors Network)
  • Literary Copyrights, 2012 (Women of Words)
  • How to Stay Motivated as a Writer, 2012 (Women of Words)
  • Illustrating and Writing Children’s Books, 2012 (Women of Words)
  • WOW Writers Rock Workshop, 2012 (Women of Words)
  • Ask for a sample edit to see how your editing expectations and needs match their editing style.
  • Have a phone conversation to discuss any questions or concerns about your project or editing in general.
  • Ask to see reviews from editing clients.
  • Ask about the editor’s process on working on a project as well as timelines.
  • Ensure you have a contract that spells out the project including costs, expectations and timeline.
  • I edit fiction books, nonfiction books, business projects, business proposals, and family stories.
  • I love the opportunity to fine-tune a client’s project so they can see it shine. Often words and ideas are strong, but can get muddled in the draft process. By being that second set of eyes and bringing editing expertise to the table, I’m able to help a client get their message across, in their words but just in a clearer way for the reader.
  • A style guide is a set of standards for a written document. Its purpose is to improve communication by ensuring consistency within a document, as well as across specific industries or companies.
  • I primarily use The Chicago Manual of Style, especially for book editing. I also use The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law.
  • I also use company style guides, alone or in conjunction with one of the above style guides.
  • At the beginning of a project we will discuss style guides. The chosen guide/guides will be documented in the project contract.
  • Style sheets show the editorial choices of a particular project or series. Throughout a project I keep a style sheet, so any questions that come up during a project on preferred style (such as a particular name or city spelling) are documented and referred to throughout the project. When the project is returned to a client, a copy of the completed style sheet is included.
  • Editing time depends on the project length and editing level you’d like, as well as other editing projects currently under contract that have already been scheduled and committed to. Short stories or business projects can usually be turned around within a day or two. Books require more time and the timeline will be included in the project contract.
  • This is a great question! Unfortunately, this definitely depends on the project type. A simple email or short business proposal would definitely be a one-and-done type of project.
  • Book editing is different. It’s best to look at the changes (especially if there are major recommendations) and consider a second editing round from your editor to ensure your book is the best it can be.
  • The last level of a book edit is a basic proofread. It’s often a good idea to hire a proofreader who did not do the main editing for your book. This person often steps in after the book has been formatted to ensure all the page numbers, headings, spacing issues, typeface styles, and editor corrections have been inserted properly.
  • For established clients, I will invoice a client upon project completion for short projects. For longer projects, I may invoice in installments (which will be noted in the project contract). Payment is through PayPal or check.
  • For new clients, payment is through PayPal, and a partial prepayment is required for longer projects and payment in full for shorter projects (which will be noted in the project contract).
  • Prepayment for all clients is required in certain circumstances. Please refer to the Services page and Terms & Conditions policy (in the bottom left of the footer) for details.
  • Create your manuscript in Microsoft Word.
  • Use a standard, 12-point Times New Roman type font.
  • Use 1-inch margins on top, bottom and sides.
  • Double space the entire text body.
  • You may send the Microsoft Word document as an attachment to your email.
  • You’d be surprised! Often in writing we think we’re communicating clearly or saying one thing because it’s clear in our head. In reality, what’s crystal clear to us may be a dark fog to our reader. However, the good news is that even the jump from the fog to the clear sky isn’t as far as you’d think.
  • The editing process should not be painful at all. It should be a progression and you should see improvement in your writing piece. If not, either your editor is not asking you the right questions to clarify, the editor is not following your ideas and goals, or you are not working with the right editor for you or your particular project.